One sec, Benny Cumberbatch is calling…

Bard Overboard: A Global Pandemic Holiday Special


by Harris Solomon

(Scroll Down!)

Directed by

Alex Haddad

Produced by

Extra Credit Ensemble


January 2021


Mario Garcia



A global pandemic is an interesting time to try to make new theatre.

In 2019, my dear friend and collaborator Harris Solomon asked me to join the cast of his original show, Bard Overboard, for the 2020 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.  The show – a wonderfully executed farce about a troupe of cruise ship actors looking to impress a Hollywood agent come aboard to find his aging mother – was set and ready to go to Edinburgh before the COVID shutdown of March 2020.

Given world events, Edinburgh Fringe 2020 was cancelled. We were fortunate, though, to be offered a rollover slot for the 2021festival; in anticipation, this online “holiday” special was released through The Space Online UK in January of 2021.

Unfortunately, COVID uncertainties once again prevented us from attending the 2021 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.  At the moment, it remains undecided as to whether Bard Overboard will perform at the 2022 festival, but talks are in the works for a New York debut in Fall 2021!


'Bard Overboard - A Global Pandemic Holiday Special'

by Kheira Bey, Voice Mag UK

"In addition, our 'Prominent hotel guest Dan' (Joel Meyers) and his interaction with his mother and 'Benny', was clearly a highlight."

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